Market Research

Over the last few years we have coordinated several major market research campaigns. For example we have carried out several research projects on behalf of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council looking at the leisure interests and needs of young people within the Wakefield area. This involved a survey of 15,000 teenagers and the production of an extensive report for the Council based on the research results.

We also conducted a piece of ground-breaking research for Remap investigating why young people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds are less likely to vote in elections, or become engaged in politics. This was part of a much wider communications project which also included the production of various publicity materials, a DVD, and a theatre production by a group of young people at the Carriageworks Theatre in Leeds City Centre.

The News Hound's Managing Director Darren Bugg also carried out research into customer loyalty relating to the Chartered Management Institute, which was turned into a 30,000 word dissertation for his Master's Degree in Marketing and Innovation.